Design by Lew Picing and Package Guide 2024

Website Design and Upkeep Only

$1600 - $4000 for website build depending on complexity/size of site + $60-$85 monthly (or $350-$650 yearly) for site and server upkeep. Pricing for websites with immense complexity or a page count over 10 pages will need to be discussed on a case by case basis. The time needed to complete a website will depend on the complexity and the number of pages requested for the site. Please see the Completion Time section on the next page to estimate your expenses.

Google Analytics and SEO

If your company would like to have us run a Google Analytics campaign for you and present our findings to you periodically, we can do so for a monthly fee of $10 for websites that we build or $30 a month for pre-existing websites. For Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the price is already worked into the website build price, however, any changes requested to the initial SEO and site metadata will run a fee of $10 per request (not per item).

WooCommerce and Shopify Integration

Integrating a digital storefront like WooCommerce or Shopify can cause headaches for any business owner, but lucky for you, DBL has you covered. Costs can vary quite a bit on these services due to the pricing structures of both WooCommerce and Shopify, so a pricing agreement will have to be made between DBL and your business prior to us integrating these services onto your site. The beginner rate, however, starts at $40 a month for WooCommerce and $60 a month for Shopify

Completion Time Pricing

When building complex websites, sometimes certain features require more time than a basic website. This extra time can affect your bill upon completion due to there being more hours worked.

For basic websites (1-3 pages with no Shopify integration) and landing pages, on average you can expect completion in approximately 3-4 weeks working 8 hour days.

For more complex sites, such as sites with Shopify integration or advanced specific custom animations or graphics other than simple gifs/media, you can expect completion anywhere between 4-6 weeks to finish (this includes websites over 5 pages in size).

Working 8 hours a day for 6 days a week, a typical basic website (1-3 pages) will cost approximately $1600-$1800 excluding the monthly upkeep fee of $60-$85 which allows us to pay for your custom server domain rent, user form submissions on your site, and be able to update the CMS (content management system) at your request. This monthly fee can also be paid for yearly for a slightly discounted rate.

Before agreeing to our contract, we will go over and agree upon an allotted completion time for your project. Any extra time spent working on the website build that goes over the allotted time (without additional elements being added that weren’t agreed upon before contract agreement, including making edits from a client’s request or adding extra features) will add a 2% discount per day onto your total price before upkeep fees. In the contract agreement phase, I will also provide you with a list of items and information that I will need from you to begin work on the site. I will not begin work on the site until all items and information are sent to me, and at any time throughout the build of the website I may reach out to acquire extra information as it is needed.


Every ad campaign that we run for your business will be done through Google Ads. This will allow both parties to have access to ad metrics (including reach, budget, impressions, and cost per result).

From these provided metrics we will be able to see whether or not there has been any improvement to your customer acquisition rate.

Until there is notable improvement in these metrics, we will run your ad campaigns at cost.

Once improvement is noted, the normal rate of 5-10% of ad budget (this percentage is decided and agreed upon by both parties depending on budget size) and flat rate of $300 monthly.

If you choose to purchase this service from us, we will need to discuss target demographics and other details to ensure best possible performance from the ads.