What is Design by Lew?

Looking for a website design company near you? Look no further!

Design by Lew LLC is a Web Development and Management company based in Clear Brook, VA. We specialize in front end website design using HTML, CSS (including Bootstrap and Tailwinds), JavaScript, Webflow, WordPress, and Figma. We also provide additional scaling services for your business. Contact now if your small business is looking for a website near Winchester, VA!

Gif of a man arranging lines of website design code with his hands

What can we do for you?

With our specialization in website design, we can build a responsive and adaptable website that can help you scale your business. Along with the initial website build, we also offer Google analytics services, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), further management of your website (maintenance and editing in new material through CMS items), as well as Shopify and WooCommerce integration for your website.

Website Design

Google Analytics and SEO

E-Commerce Integration

With a strong background in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Tailwinds, we are more than capable of creating the perfect, interactive, fluid-responsive, and easy to edit website for your business. Some simple websites (3 pages or less with no complex integrations) can take our team as little as 1 week to complete!

Alongside our ability to develop websites, we also have a deep understanding of the use of Google site analytics and SEO. We are capable of helping you to scale out your business by attracting your specific target demographics through well placed key-words and clear and concise metadata.

If your business is looking to sell products online, we can help you achieve that goal by integrating either Shopify or WooCommerce. The combination of this online storefront and our ability to dominate a google search could bring in many new clients to your business.